..:drini-titi at 7/28/2007 06:36:00 e pasdites

I wrote your name in the sky,

but the wind blew it away.

I wrote your name in the sand,

but the waves washed it away.

I wrote your name in my heart,

and forever it will stay.

I promise.

..:drini-titi at 6/29/2007 09:12:00 e pasdites

Emërtimet: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

..:drini-titi at 6/22/2007 02:18:00 e paradites

..:drini-titi at 6/10/2007 01:54:00 e paradites

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To you

I want to dedicate to you carried visitor .from the destiny between my words . This wonderful poetry… causes "its" just this what I want to know from you… "It does not interest to know which to me' is your trade… I want to know for that what strugge your heart and if you have the courage to dream the encounter with that it wishes. It does not interest to know how many years you to me you have… It interests to me to know if you will run the risk to make the crazy one for love, for your dream, the adventure of being alive. It does not interest to know which planets to me square with your moon… I want to know if you have touched the center of your pain, if the difficulties of the life have carried to you to open to you or… to close to you in same you in the fear to still suffer! … I want to know if six able one to be in the pain, yours or mine, without to make null in order to hide it, or in order to remove it, or to crystallize it. I want to know if six able one to be in the joy, yours or mine, if you can be get loosed in the dance and leave that the ecstasy invades you until the tip of the fingers of the feet or the hands, without to exhort to us to being prudent or realistic, or aware of the human limits. It does not interest to me to know if the history that me storys are true… I want to know if six able one to disappoint an other in order to remain faithful to same you, and not to never betray your spirit, to cost to leave that the others call to you traitor. I want to know if you can be of word, and therefore worthy of confidence. I want to know if six able one to find the beauty also in the days in which the sun it does not shine, and if you can give beginning to your life on the sides of a lago, screaming "yes" to the silver flare of the full moon. It does not interest to know to me where you live, neither how much money you possess… I want to know if after a night deprived of hope of I plant six able one to raise to you, therefore like six, sfinito and with the covered spirit of bruises, in order to put to you to make what there is from making for the children. It does not interest to know who to me you know, neither as it finds to you here… I want to know if you will be in feet with me to the center of the fire, without to pull itself behind. It does not interest to know that what to me you have studied, neither with who and not even where… I want to know that what supports gives to you within when all the rest comes to lack. I want to know if you can alone be with same you, and if your company appeals to to you truly, in the moments of empty" (::: DRINI:::) .

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